четверг, января 28, 2016

The Belarus History Map

The Map of Belarus aims to tell the story of Belarus since the 13th century. It provides a general overview of the country's history and its various rulers and leaders. It also shows how the country's border has changed over the centuries.

As you scroll down on the Map of Belarus you move through its historical timeline. The timeline provides the dates of the reigns of Belarus' leaders and important events in the country's history. To the left of the timeline a short summary provides context about some of these events in the country's history.

As the timeline progresses the map updates to show locations mentioned in the timeline and the border updates to reflect the changes to Belarus' borders over the centuries.

The nature of the timeline does mean that only a short summary of events is provided by the Map of Belarus. Hopefully the map is just a starting point for a more extensive account of the country's history. At the very least the events mentioned in the timeline could include links to relevant Wikipedia entries.

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