среда, мая 04, 2016

The Vintage Photos of Old San Francisco

OpenSFHistory has a collection of over 100,000 vintage photos of San Francisco. You can browse the collection by location on the OpenSFHistory Map.

The OpenSFHistory Map is a little basic but it does provide a neat way to search and view vintage photographs of the city by location. Hopefully one day OpenSFHistory will get around to adding a facility to filter the photos shown on the map by date or by decade.

OldSF is a similar map of historical photos of San Francisco, which allows you to browse historical photos from the San Francisco Public Library collection. This map does include a slide control which enables you to filter the vintage photos shown on the map by date.

If you want to explore the OpenSFHistory photos other than by location then you can use the Galleries section of the website. The Galleries include a number of themed collections of the vintage photos, including collections of the 1906 Earthquake and the Midwinter Fair 1894.

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