пятница, августа 05, 2016

The Cost of Driving

Nearly all major highways in Brazil have tolls. Many of these tolls are expensive and make driving a costly enterprise for the average Brazilian.

Qualp is a new service for Brazilian drivers which provides driving directions with the latest information on toll costs. Using the service drivers can not only get driving directions for a route but also find out how much the trip will cost.

After entering a starting point and destination (you can also add any number of waypoints for your trip) Qualp displays your route on a Google Map and tells you the total amount you will have to pay in tolls. All the toll stations along the route are indicated by markers on the map and the map sidebar shows how much each toll station will cost.

The prices and locations of toll stations are updated daily so all the information provided by Qualp is as accurate as possible. Qualp also includes the option to view real-time traffic conditions along your route.

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