среда, августа 10, 2016

The WWE 2K17 Interactive Map

To promote the upcoming release of the WWE themed video game WWE 2K17 the game's developers have released an interactive map of Suplex City. Using the map you can search Suplex City for clues to the identities of a number of WWE Superstars and Legends. Identify the legends correctly on the map and you could win yourself a roster poster of the identified WWE Superstar

The creators of Suplex City claim that this is an 'interactive map' of the city. However to me it looks more like the kind of crazed photo montage that a disturbed teenager might assemble on their bedroom wall. It does use the Leaflet mapping library - so I guess you could argue it is some sort of map.

At the moment there are two areas that you can explore in Suplex City - the Amusement Park and the Park. Each has its own crazy photo montage. Every week during August new neighborhoods of Suplex City will be released. So you can look forward to even more disturbing images of Suplex City.

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