понедельник, сентября 05, 2016

Global Warning on the Eastern Seaboard

The New York Times has published an interesting visualization of the rising sea levels and increased coastal flooding along the whole Eastern Seaboard. A Sharp Increase In ‘Sunny Day’ Flooding
argues that flooding caused by global warning along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts has already begun. The accompanying visualization goes a long way to prove that the argument is correct.

A strip map of the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, from Maine to Key West, runs down the left-hand side of the page. As you scroll down through the visualization, photos and sea level graphs on the right of the page, provide information about the increasing threat of tidal flooding along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts.

The graphs plot the mean sea level rise and days of flooding from 1950-2015 for a number of locations along the Eastern Seaboard. All the location graphs show a rise in sea levels and nuisance flooding over this time period. These rises appear to be increasing even more sharply over recent years.

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