вторник, сентября 27, 2016

Mapping Global Air Pollution

Air pollution causes 1 in 8 deaths worldwide. To help fight this invisible killer the World Health Organization has launched the BreatheLife campaign. The campaign advocates key changes that governments around the world can take to reduce sources of climate-harmful air pollutants.

The World Health Organization's Global Ambient Air Pollution map shows the levels of pollution across the globe. The map displays the average annual atmospheric particulate matter levels throughout most of the world. The data used is from the WHO Global Urban Ambient Air Pollution Database, which covers 3000 cities in 103 different countries.

The Global Ambient Air Pollution map helps highlight the fact that air pollution most effects those living in low and middle income countries. However 56% of cities in high-income countries also don't meet the WHO air quality guidelines. Even in high-income countries Urban air pollution levels tend to be higher in low and middle-income cities and in the poorer neighborhoods of high-income cities.

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