вторник, октября 11, 2016

50 Years of Volcanic Eruptions & Earthquakes

The Global Volcanism Program at the Smithsonian National Museum has released a new interactive map showing over 50 years of volcanic and earthquake activity around the world. The Eruptions, Earthquakes and Emissions map also shows volcanic gas emissions (sulfur dioxide, SO2) since 1978.

As the map animation plays through the years blue dots show strong earthquakes (with a magnitude of 5 and above). Red triangles indicate the locations of volcanic eruptions. You can hover over individual markers on the map to view the date and scale of the eruption or earthquake. You can also click through to view more details on the USGS and Smithsonian Global Volcanism websites.

The map includes filters which allow you to just view earthquakes, volcanoes or sulfur dioxide emissions. If you want to see all activity since 1960 on the map at the same time then just click on the 'All Events' button at the bottom of the map,

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