среда, октября 12, 2016

Mapping the Crazy Clowns

Pubescent boys with tiny hands are roaming the land dressed as crazy clowns. But don't worry! Atlas Obscura and Buzzfeed have both jumped on the craze by releasing interactive maps plotting the location of creepy clown sightings in the USA and the UK.

The Atlas Obscura map plots reported incidents of 'clown sightings, threats and scares' in the United States. The BuzzFeed map shows the locations of clown sightings in the UK. Neither map seems to reveal anything particularly interesting about the geography of the crazy clown craze - except that it seems to have become fairly widespread in both the USA and the UK.

The Atlas Obscura map allows you to click on the individual map markers to view a brief description of each reported sighting. The markers on the BuzzFeed map have no details about the individual clown sightings. However the BuzzFeed map does use some creepy clown markers with the Google Maps API marker animations function. It also uses the map styles option to give the map tiles a slightly crazy clown red tinge.

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