вторник, октября 25, 2016

Death by Location

Diabetes is more common in the German speaking regions of Switzerland. Liver disease is more common in the French speaking regions.

The Tages Anzeiger newspaper has used data from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute to map the mortality rates in Sweden from diabetes and liver disease. In Schüpfheim is the Diabetic Capital of Switzerland the newspaper examines the prevalence of diabetes and liver disease in different Swiss regions and examines some of the cultural, nutritional and economic reasons why the death rate from the two diseases should have such marked geographical variations.

The interactive maps show the deviation of death rates for the different diseases in each Swiss municipality - in relation to the rate of deaths in the whole of Switzerland. If a municipality is above the Swiss average for the mortality rate from the disease, it is colored red on the map. If it is under the Swiss average it is colored blue. The red areas therefore show municipalities where the death rate for the visualized disease is above the Swiss average.

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