среда, марта 15, 2017

Satellite Image Explorer

There are now a number of different web services which allow you to browse and search for satellite imagery of the Earth. Websites such as Planet ExplorerLandsat Lens and Google's Timelapse permit you to search for satellite imagery both by location and by date. You can now also use ESO's Land Viewer service. The Earth Observing System's Land Viewer application allows you to browse and download historical satellite imagery from the Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 satellites.

The Land Viewer search facility includes options to search for satellite imagery of the Earth by location and by date. It also includes filters which permit you to search for day or night-time satellite images and the level of cloud cover and the degree of sun elevation in the returned satellite images.

Land Viewer includes a number of band combinations which permit you to view the imagery using 18 different filters. These include natural & false color, infrared and panchromatic filters. There is also the option to apply your own custom filters to the satellite imagery.

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