пятница, марта 10, 2017

The Dot Map of Education

Educational Attainment in America is a dot map showing the level of education of people across the USA. Using the map you can zoom in on any town or city and see the local distribution of educational attainment.

The map shows five levels of educational attainment; Less than High School, High School, Some College, Bachelor Degree and Graduate Degree. Each dot represents 25 people. The map doesn't have any information attached about the data used but, based on the cartographer's previous Mapping Immigrant America dot map, I'm guessing that the data is randomized within each census tract.

It is interesting to compare the density of the different levels of educational attainment with the density of different immigrant populations using the two different dot maps. You might also be interested in comparing the Educational Attainment map with the University of Virginia's Racial Dot Map, which shows the density of different racial groups across the USA.

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