The European Population Density map is a dot density map of Europe. Each dot on the map represents 50 people. In total there are are over 500 million people represented on the map by over 10 million dots.
You can clearly make out the densely populated capitals of Europe on the map. London, Paris, Madrid, Berlin and Rome are all clearly visible as densely populated urban centers. If you are looking to get away from the crowds in Europe then you'll probably have to look a little harder. You could try the Scottish Highlands or the far north of Sweden, Norway or Finland. The Alps can also be made out on the map as a slightly less densely populated area in the mostly densely populated countries of southern Europe.
If you want to know how the map was made then you should read the article 10 Million Dots: Mapping European Population.
Other Dot Maps
- Educational Attainment in America - the level of education across the USA
- Racial Dot Map, the density of different U.S. racial groups
- Mapping Immigrant America - the U.S. immigrant population
- The Racial Dot Map of Brazil - the racial distribution of the Brazilian population
- Mapping South Africa with Dot Distribution - racial distribution across South Africa
- Toronto Visible Minorities - the visible minority status of the Toronto population
- Indigenous Dot Map of Australia - the indigenous population of Australia
- Finns on a Map - 5.5 million people in Finland
- The Chinese Population of Australia
- Rome - The Foreign Resident Population
- The Dot Density Map of Women in the U.S.
- The UK Ethnicity Dot Map
- Mapping the Young Adults of New Zealand
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