пятница, апреля 14, 2017

Explore the World in Virtual Reality

You can now explore the world in virtual reality thanks to a new Google Street View application. Speak to Go is a WebVR experiment which allows you to navigate around the world on Google Maps Street View using just your voice.

Speak to Go works with Google's Daydream and Cardboard VR headsets. Don't worry if you don't have a VR headset. Speak to Go also works perfectly fine on a normal computer monitor.

To teleport to a location using Speak to Go just press your space bar and speak your destination out loud. If Google Maps has panoramic imagery available you will then be taken to the Street View of your chosen destination. If you run out of ideas for places to explore just say ‘I’m feeling lucky’ to be transported to somewhere new.

You can find lots more VR applications on Google's WebVR Experiments website.

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