понедельник, апреля 24, 2017

French Presidential Election Maps

The independent Emmanuel Macron and the far-right Marine Le Pen emerged as the winners in yesterday's first round Presidential election in France. The two candidates will now go on to the final election to be held in two weeks time.

Mapping the results by department (screenshot above) shows what looks like an east-west split in support for the two candidates. France 24's interactive map of the highest placed candidate in each department shoes that Le Pen was the most popular candidate in most of the eastern departments and Macron was the most popular in the majority of western departments.

However if you switch the map view to show the results by region then a slightly different picture emerges. When you look at who got the most votes in each region you see that Le Pen appears most popular in the north and along the Mediterranean coast. This is a picture which is supported by a choropleth map of Le Pen's support by department.

The Guardian's choropleth map of Le Pen's support shows that she certainly has more support along the Mediterranean coast and the Belgian border (which the Guardian says has long been her heartland) than in the rest of France.

If you want a more detailed view of how France voted in the first round of the Presidential election then you can click on France 24's interactive map to view the results by commune area.

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