воскресенье, апреля 02, 2017

Mapping Melbourne's Safe Spaces

A new interactive map from Free To Be shows locations across Melbourne where women feel threatened and unsafe.

Plan International Australia's Free To Be campaign gathered over 1,300 responses from women in Melbourne highlighting locations in the city where they feel safe or unsafe. The campaign used the CrowdSpot citizen reporting platform to collect women's experiences of Melbourne's streets. Using the interactive map women could add locations where they felt either 'happy' or 'sad' and explain why the location made them feel this way.

The citizen reporting stage of the campaign is now over, so you can no longer contribute to the Free To Be map. However you can now use the map to view the locations throughout the city identified by other women in Melbourne. The locations and experiences added to the map will now also be "shared with the City of Melbourne to help them create a city that includes girls and young women".

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