суббота, июля 08, 2017

Mapping the Mayflower Passengers

Nearly 400 years ago 102 passengers and about 30 crew members set sail from Plymouth, on a ship called the Mayflower, to begin a new life in the new world.

The Mayflower 400 map shows the places of origin (where known) of the Mayflower's passengers and crew. You can click on the markers on the map to learn more about each individual, including the place & date of their birth & death. The colors of the markers indicate whether the individual shown was a religious Pilgrim, a paying passenger or a member of the crew.

There doesn't seem to be anything particularly interesting in the geographical distribution of the birthplaces of the passengers and crew. One thing noticeable is that none of them were from the far north or the south-west of England.

It would also be really interesting to view a map showing where the descendants of the Mayflower Pilgrims now live. According to Wikipedia 31 of the passengers are known to have descendants. The Mayflower Society claim that those 31 now they have over ten million descendants.

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