вторник, июля 11, 2017

Pride Comes Before a Ball

Carto has completed an interesting geo-data investigation into where people go after taking part in New York's Pride parade. A Map of Where People Went After the NYC Pride Parade uses pick-up and drop-off data from New York's yellow taxis to determine what people do after Pride.

Using data from Sunday June 26th, 2016 (the data of last year's Pride in New York) Carto isolated all the taxi pick-ups in the Pride parade area between 4-8pm (when the parade was winding down). They then created a map of all the drop-off points from these pick-ups, to see where people were going after Pride. Carto used a DBSCAN clustering algorithm to identify locations with a high density of drop-offs.

Major transit hubs feature quite prominently, presumably for people heading home, Areas with popular gay bars also appeared to be popular destinations. Locations around hotels is another take out from the mapped data.

If you enjoyed this visualization of NYC taxi data then you will probably also like NYC Taxis: A Day in the Life. Chris Whong's NYC Taxis: A Day in the Life is a must for anyone interested in the visualization of transit data.

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