пятница, октября 13, 2017

Arrows Swoop on Berlin Airport

On the same date as Germany's recent general election Berliners also got to vote on whether to go ahead with the planned closure of the city's Tegel Airport. The Berliner Morgenpost's interactive map of the referendum results got swamped a little by all the German Election maps.

The Tegel Volksentscheid 2017 interactive map shows you how many people voted 'yes' or 'no' in each electoral ward. The map includes an overlay which shows you the areas which lie under the main flight-paths for planes landing and taking off from Tegel Airport. That overlay is annotated on the map with a neat 'swoopy arrow'.

Of course you really don't care about the future of Berlin's airports. All you want to know is how the Berliner Morgenpost created that swoopy arrow pointing from the 'Tegel-Einflugschneise' label to the flight-path overlay on the map. Luckily for you the newspaper has released the code for Leaflet-swoopy as a plugin for Leaflet.js. You can find the plugin and documentation on Webkid's blog.

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