пятница, октября 27, 2017

Falling in Love on Google Maps

There are eight million love stories in the naked city. Yours could be one of them on The Cut's New York Love Map.

The New York Love Map shows "482 stories of kissing and hooking up", which took place at different locations around New York. The location of each of the stories is shown with a color-coded map marker. Black markers show locations where people have shared stories of relationship break-ups. The red markers indicate locations where the beautiful beast with two backs appeared.

You can filter the love stories shown on the map by category or by the decade when the stories occurred. The map will be updated soon to include love stories that readers of The Cut submitted to the map.

If the New York Love Map has got you in the mood for a little heavy petting then you might want to check out Places for Love.

Places for Love is a Google Maps based application where users can recommend their favorite outdoor locations for making love. These romantic locations could be parks, quiet beaches or just somewhere with a beautiful view. Currently the map has over 10,000 locations that have been recommended across the globe.

If you are looking for the perfect place to make love, just enter a location into Places for Love and you should be able to find the perfect love-spot nearby.

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