вторник, октября 24, 2017

Mapping Global Pollution

Nine million people a year are killed around the world by pollution. According to the Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health pollution is responsible for 16% of all deaths around the word. That is three times more deaths than caused by AIDS, tuberculosis & malaria combined and 15 times more deaths than caused by wars and other forms of violence.

The Global Alliance on Health and Pollution is mapping air, water and soil pollution around the world. The Global Pollution Map uses government approved data-sets to coordinate information on all forms of pollution in countries across the globe.

The Global Pollution Map contains three main pollution layers to visualize Air Pollution, Contaminated Sites and Water Pollution. These three layers can be turned on or off by using the buttons in the map sidebar. The map also includes a Pollution Deaths layer. This layer uses data from the Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health to show the number of deaths per million caused by pollution in each country around the world.

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