понедельник, ноября 05, 2018

Australia's National Map

NationalMap is an interactive map which Australians can use to access spatial data from government agencies. The map allows you to visualize data from many different government agencies via the data catalogue (select 'Add data' from the map).

Spatial data in the data catalogue is organized into different categories, such as health, environment, communications and transport. You can find out which department or agency has provided the data by clicking on the title of a data set in the data catalogue. Clicking on the data set title will also reveal additional information about the selected data, including the URL of the WMS map layer for the data (if available) and the relevant license details for using the data.

As well as providing access to huge amounts of spatial data the NationalMap is Open Source software which is available on GitHub. The core platform of NationalMap is TerriaJS, which itself uses the Cesium and Leaflet mapping libraries.

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