понедельник, ноября 05, 2018

Brownfield Sites Mapped

In England there are around 17,000 brownfield sites. Brownfield sites are previously developed sites which are currently not being used. If these 17,000 sites were developed they could provide around one million new homes.

The National Housing Federation's Housing Sites interactive map shows the locations of all brownfield sites identified by planning authorities in England. If you click on any of the brownfield sites shown on the map you can view details on the ownership and size of the site. You can also view a local authority estimate of the number of homes that could be built on the site.

If you switch the map layer to the Local Authority overlay then you can discover the number of brownfield sites in individual local authorities. Click on a local authority on the map and you can see the number of hectares in the area which are currently brownfield. You can also discover how many homes could be built on these brownfield sites.

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