понедельник, ноября 19, 2018

Mapping Poverty in Victoria, Australia

774,000 Victorians live in poverty. That is more than 1 in 10 of the entire population. Rates of poverty are even higher in some neighborhoods. For example in Meadow Heights more than 1 in 3  people are living in poverty.

The Victoria Council of Social Services and the economic modelling firm NATSEM have launched an online map which visualize the poverty rates in each Victoria suburb. VCOSS Poverty Maps allows you to view overall poverty rates for each suburb and to view the poverty rates by gender, age, employment status, housing tenure and household type.

One thing that the map doesn't reveal is that more than one-third of adults living in poverty in Victoria have a disability. Another statistic not shown on the map is that 1 in 6 children in Victoria also live in poverty. These facts are revealed in the full report, Every Suburb. Every Town. Poverty in Victoria (PDF).

2 комментария:

A.C.Husmann комментирует...

I am so sorry for all this humans.The world grow poverty not the world it self but the leaders of the world and they are not poor.A.C.Husmann Denmark.

Obat Alami Maag Kronis комментирует...

Very interesting site...clear solid and easy to digest
Obat Alami Maag Kronis