суббота, декабря 01, 2018

I Know Where You Were Last Summer

If you are German the Berliner Morgenpost knows what you did last summer. At least they have a rough idea about where you spent your vacation. The newspaper has used anonymized roaming data to find out where Germans like to travel.

In Mobile Data Reveals Where Germans Were Last Summer the Berliner Morgenpost has mapped the most popular destination for German holiday makers. The most popular country for German tourists as a whole is Italy, closely followed by Austria. The map also allows you to view the most popular destinations for residents of each of Germany's states.

Proximity seems to play a large part in the popularity of different countries in the different German states. For example in Brandenberg the most popular country to visit is Poland. In Schleswig-Holstein the most visited country was Denmark. In Niedersachsen the most popular country was the Netherlands. In Rheinland-Pfalz it was Luxembourg and in Saarland it was France.

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