вторник, декабря 04, 2018

The Flood Risk Map of England

The UK government's Long Term Flood Risk Map for England provides an overview of the chances that any location in the country will flood in any year. It shows you the chances that locations will flood in any given year from either surface water, groundwater or from rivers or the sea.

Locations are colored on the Flood Risk Map to indicate the chances that they will flood in a year. You can also click on a location on the map to view the local chances of flooding. An area that is shown as having a high risk of flooding has more than a 3.3% chance of flooding in any given year. A medium risk indicates a 1-3.3% chance of flooding and a low risk has 0.1-1% chance of flooding in any year.

The UK government can also provide a flood risk assessment for any individual property in the UK. If you enter an address into the Long Term Flood Risk Assessment you can find out the property's risk level from rivers or the sea, from surface water or the risk from groundwater flooding.

1 комментарий:

Paul Feely комментирует...

Some flood map portals that may be of interest have recently developed by CeRDI for the Corangamite and Glenelg Hopkins region in Victoria Australia

You can select a property or draw a polygon to generate a Flood information report combining data from multiple layers
