понедельник, февраля 04, 2019

Who Won the Super Bowl of Google Search?

Browsing Twitter yesterday, during the game, I had the impression that most viewers wanted neither side to win Super Bowl 2019. It turns out that I was wrong and there was a distinct east-west split in support for the two Super Bowl teams.

Simon Rogers has used Google Search data to visualize the top team searched for, between the L.A. Rams and the New England Patriots, in every U.S. county. For some reason the Super Bowl 2019 Patriots vs Rams in Search map shows that the Patriots were the most searched team all along the East Coast. The L.A. Rams however were the most searched team all along the West Coast. Shocking!

If that map wasn't shocking enough for you then you might want to check out Google Trends' Super Bowl Foods Map. This is one of those dubious maps which ignores the most searched for foods in every state in order to have a unique entry for every state.

Obviously we can't have a map where the favorite recipe in every single state is nachos. So lets just ignore what most people are actually searching for and pretend that people are preparing lentil soup to eat with their beers while watching the game. Shocking & Pointless!

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