вторник, февраля 05, 2019

Women's Cultural Contributions to Paris

In 1971 Linda Nochlin published an article in ArtNews called "Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?". In the essay she addressed some of the reasons why female artists are so often overlooked. The creators of Le Matrimoine Parisien also believe that women artists have been ignored and rendered invisible by society. They have therefore decided to make the female artists of Paris more visible by showcasing their work on an interactive map.

Le Matrimoine Parisien plots culturally important locations in Paris which have been contributed by the city's female artists and architects. The map includes five different categories of female cultural contributions to the French capital. They are: architectural structures, paintings, sculptures, workshops, and places of art & culture. If you have a particular interest in one or more area of culture then you can filter the categories shown on the map from the menu. All of the mapped cultural locations shown on the map are free to access.

The map was created by students at the École du Louvre. However anyone can submit locations to the map of cultural contributions to Paris made by women. The only other requirement (besides being related to female artists) is that the locations must be free to visit. If you follow the Le Matrimoine Parisien Twitter account you can also receive daily updates and insights into the lives and works of female artists in Paris.

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