воскресенье, февраля 24, 2019

Australia's First Language Maps

First Languages Australia is working with regional language centers across the country to build an interactive map of Australian languages. A map that uses the names and groupings favored by the speakers of each language.

The Gambay - First Languages Map shows first languages on the map using colored map labels. The first languages are also listed in alphabetical order in the map sidebar. If you select one of the yellow first language labels on the map then links are added to the map sidebar to community contacts & resources for the language and to further information on the language from Aiatsis ( Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories).

The first languages listed in the map sidebar which have small circular images include recordings and / or videos with recordings. These recordings include examples of first languages being spoken and first language speakers discussing the importance of first languages to indigenous communities.

Back in 2015 Native-Land started mapping the territories and languages of the indigenous peoples of the United States and Canada. Native-Land now also shows the territories and languages of the indigenous peoples of Australia and New Zealand.

The map consists of two main layers, one showing the 'territory' of indigenous peoples and the other showing the geographical spread of indigenous languages. If you select a territory on the map you can view the name of the indigenous people whose territory is shown. You can learn more about these indigenous groups by clicking on the group's name. This commonly leads through to a Wikipedia article on the selected indigenous people or the indigenous language chosen from the map.

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