суббота, мая 25, 2019

Indian Election Maps

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) had a landslide victory in the Indian election and increased its already huge parliamentary majority. The BJP, led by the current Prime Minister Narendra Modi, won 303 seats in the Lok Sabha, the lower house of India's parliament. The next largest party, the Indian National Congress (INC), only managed to win 52 seats.

The Indian Express has released an interactive map of the Lok Sabha Election Results 2019. The map shows the winning party in each of the 543 constituencies. The map includes a cartogram view of the results which shows each of the constituencies as an equal sized square. Despite the BJP's huge majority there is still a geographical divide in support for India's political parties. The BJP won lots of seats in the north-west and center of the country. It won far fewer seats in the south and along the eastern seaboard.

The 2019 Lok Sabha election was the first election in India where women voted in equal numbers to men. The number of women who won a seat in the Lok Sabha was also the highest ever. The Indian Express map includes a filter control which allows you to see where female candidates won in this election. Although the number of female held seats has increased since the last election women still hold less than 10% of the seats in the Lok Sabha.

The Financial Times has created a choropleth map of the election results, which gives you an overview of the level of the winning majority in each seat. Again this view shows a north-south divide in the support for the BJP. Some of the party's biggest majorities were in the northern states of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.

Reuters' India Election Results interactive map also provides a 'margins' view, showing the margin of victory for the winning candidate in each seat. You can hover over individual seats on the Reuters map to view the percentage of the votes won by each of the main candidates. The Reuters map also includes a choropleth view of the voter turnout in each seat.

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