суббота, декабря 14, 2019

The UK Election Interactive Maps

The BBC has created a scrollytelling map which provides a tour of what the BBC believes are the biggest stories in the 2019 UK election. These stories include the huge 365 seats by the Conservatives, Labour's loss of a number of traditionally left-leaning constituencies, the loss of the Lib Dem leader Jo Swinson's seat and the success of the SNP in Scotland.

The BBC's General election 2019: Animated tour in 10 stops provides an interesting tour of some of the important stories of this UK election. What it doesn't do is provide the user with the tools to analyze the results of this election for themselves. It is therefore a neat summary of the UK election but light on any detailed analysis.

The House of Commons library has created an interesting cartogram view of the UK election results. This map does provide a few filters which allow you to explore the results in a little more depth. The General Election 2019 Constituency Results cartogram groups constituencies by area. This not only allows users to easily navigate the cartogram it also provides an interesting insight into where each political party was most successful. For example it reveals quite clearly that the Labour Party (outside of London) has hardly any seats in the south of England.

The map also includes filters which allow you to see where male and female candidates were successful in this election and which seats were won by sitting candidates and where seats were won by new candidates. You can also filter the map to see where each political party made gains and losses.

One clear pattern which emerges on this map is the loss of Labour seats in its traditional heartlands of Wales, the Midlands and the north of England. However it wasn't only these seats which saw a swing from Labour to the Conservatives. The Times (paywall) created a swing arrow map which reveals this national swing to the Tories very clearly.

Even in the majority of seats won by the Labour Party there was an overall swing towards the Conservative Party. The major problem with this map is that it only looks at the swing between the Labour and Conservative Parties. Therefore this map isn't particularly useful in Scotland, where the main story appears to have been the uniform swing from all parties towards the SNP.

If you are interested in exploring the results of the 2019 UK election in more detail then you might also like the Economist's 2019 General Election map. The Economist's map includes a number of demographic filters which allow you to explore the results by age, income and population density. It also allows you to explore the results by the percentage who voted to Leave or Remain in the 2016 EU referendum.

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