вторник, декабря 17, 2019

Yer aff tae lik' this map

The Scots Syntax Atlas is a freish interactive map whilk records th' different ways that scots fowk blether in th' different areas o' scootlund. Th' map includes sound recordings o' scots syntax whilk wur recorded o'er th' land. Th' map an' a' allows ye tae explore in whilk different areas o' th' land different types o' scots syntax ur spoken.

Tae create th' map th' researchers visited 145 communities in bonnie scotland interviewing local fowk 'n' recording thair answers. In thae interviews th' researchers wur particularly interested in syntax o' local dialects, in th' ways that sentences ur bult` up in th' different areas o' scootlund.

If ye click oan th' markers oan th' map ye kin listen tae interesting examples o' scots syntax whilk wur recorded in different bits o' th' land. Ye kin an' a' discover whaur thae different types o' scots syntax ur spoken by selecting th' "who says whit where" button. This option tae` shows ye whaur different types o' syntax ur spoken in bonnie scotland. Th' "stories behind th" examples' button provides a grammatical explanation o' th' recorded examples o' scotish syntax 'n' speirins oan howfur scots syntax differs fae mair 'standard' sassenach.


The Scots Syntax Atlas is a new interactive map which records the different ways that Scottish people talk in the different areas of Scotland. The map includes sound recordings of Scottish syntax which were recorded across the country. The map also allows you to explore in which different areas of the country different types of Scottish syntax are spoken.

To create the map the researchers visited 145 communities in Scotland interviewing local people and recording their answers. In these interviews the researchers were particularly interested in syntax of local dialects, in the ways that sentences are built up in the different areas of Scotland.

If you click on the markers on the map you can listen to interesting examples of Scottish syntax which were recorded in different parts of the country. You can also discover where these different types of Scottish syntax are spoken by selecting the 'who says what where' button. This option shows you where different types of syntax are spoken in Scotland. The 'stories behind the examples' button provides a grammatical explanation of the recorded examples of Scotish syntax and information on how Scottish syntax differs from more 'standard' English.

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