четверг, июля 09, 2020

Global Comparisons of Covid-19

Australia's Healthmap visualizes local health and demographic data in Australia. During the current pandemic Healthmap has also been mapping Covid-19 data. Importantly for international users the map includes global data on the rates of Covid-19. This global map includes data from the ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control) and Johns Hopkins University.

Using Healthmap you can therefore compare both the number of cases of Covid-19 in countries around the world and their relative death rates. Per population statistics for both the number of cases and the numbers of deaths are provided on the map to support easy comparison between regions. For example you can use the map to visualize the cumulative numbers of deaths from Covid-19 per population.

Interestingly this reveals that Sweden (53.24 reported deaths per 100,000) has a significantly higher number of deaths than the U.S. (39.96 reported deaths per 100,000). In fact currently the U.S. has a cumulative death rate lower than most European countries. Although the contrasting trends in the numbers of cases in the U.S. and Europe means that this may soon change.

Healthmap has also released separate maps of the ECDC data and the Johns Hopkins data. The ECDC map visualizes global rates of Covid-19 and the Johns Hopkins US map visualizes U.S. rates of Covid-19 at the state and at the county level.

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