суббота, июля 11, 2020

The Fall & Rise of American Employment

Sites USA has created an interactive map which visualizes the astonishing fall & rise in the unemployment figures over the course of this year. The Unemployment Map shows the AGS labor force estimates at county level across the whole of the United States.

The map includes a date option which allows you to view the weekly unemployment numbers since the beginning of March. As you can see in the animated GIF above there was an incredible rise in the unemployment figures during lock-down across the whole country. In the last month however, as the lock-downs ease, there has been a large reduction in unemployment numbers - also across the whole country.

A similar pattern has been seen in many countries around the world. The problem for the USA is that the numbers of Covid-19 cases are continuing to rise. If states are forced to reimpose lock-down measures those unemployment numbers will inevitably once again begin to rise.

If you want to know how your local job market has performed since March then click on your county on the map. You can then view a graph showing the unemployment figures from the 7th March to the end of June in the selected county.

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