четверг, июля 16, 2020

Mapping the City of Light

Cassini - Grand Paris provides a wonderful history of the cartography of Paris. The site gives you access to some beautiful historical vintage maps of the French capital from 1731 right up to the modern day.

To explore the vintage maps of Paris on Cassini - Grand Paris you just need to click on the links in the timeline running along the bottom of the interactive map. If you click on one of the small circles in this timeline the selected vintage map will be overlain on the modern day map of Paris.

Cassini- Grand Paris not only allows you to explore some wonderful vintage maps of Paris it also provides a chronology of the city's development since the 18th Century. When you choose a vintage map the sidebar also updates to provide a chronology of significant urban planning and building developments in Paris at the time that your selected map depicts.

You can explore the rest of France as depicted in historical vintage maps on Remonter le Temps. At the heart of this historical mapping site are the maps of the Cassini family of cartographers. The Carte de France or the Cassini Maps were created by four generations of the Cassini family in the 18th and 19th centuries. The Cassini Maps were the first truly accurate national survey based on geodetic triangulation.

Remonter le Temps (go back in time) allows you to view the Carte de Cassini overlain on top of a modern interactive map of France. This historical maps interface presents a number of French vintage maps, which also includes the Carte de l'etat major, a 1950 map of France and historical aerial imagery of France from the 1950's & 60's.

Remonter le Temps provides a number of ways to view the vintage maps. You can view an historical map side-by-side with the modern map of France, you can also select to switch between the modern and vintage maps or you can use an interesting 'lens' view which shows a small circular selection of the historical map overlain on top of the modern map of France.

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