среда, июня 09, 2021

Mosaic Mapping

The Luminaries is an interactive multimedia mosaic map which was created for the G7 Vaccine Summit. The G7 Global Vaccine Confidence Summit was a two day meeting held in Oxford, England last week. At the summit health ministers from the G7 countries met to discuss how they could broaden access to COVID-19 vaccines across the world.

The Luminaries map features hundreds of photographs and videos featuring scientists and doctors around the world who have been working on developing and deploying vaccines for Coivd-19. The photographs of the luminaries have been arranged to create a map of the world. On this map the yellow markers show where there are videos available. Click on one of these yellow markers and you can watch and listen as a 'luminary' talks about their work on the vaccine.

At the moment The Luminaries interactive map is a little light on content. Unfortunately it doesn't yet include enough global content to be a really effective tool for the promotion of the vaccine. It is planned that more videos will be added to the map over the next year.Hopefully with more videos from all corners of the world the map will eventually become the powerful tool for promoting Covid-19 vaccines that the developers want it to be.

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