среда, июня 30, 2021

The 3D Map of Bonn

The city council of Bonn has released an impressive 3D map of the German city. Bonn in 3D was created from around 10,000 aerial photos, resulting in a beautiful photo-realistic virtual model of the former capital of West Germany.

The map menu allows you to access a number of map features. The 'Sehenswürdigkeiten' option provides links to tourist attractions in Bonn, which is particularly useful if you want to view some of the city's most impressive landmarks on the 3D map. The 'Überblicke' option is also an impressive feature of the 3D map, allowing you to virtually experience the views from some of the city's hills and tallest buildings on the 3D map. The 'Natur und Landschaft' option allows you to view the locations of the city's nature reserves and parks.

The 'Kartenauswahl' link in the map menu allows you to explore the aerial photos of the city which were used to create the 3D map. To create the 3D map oblique aerial photographs of the city were taken from four different directions. If you select the Kartneauswahl link you can explore any location in the city as seen from four different oblique aerial views.

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