суббота, июня 26, 2021

The 3D Glastonbury Festival Map

This weekend thousands of people should be enjoying five days of music and contemporary performing arts at the Glastonbury Festival. Unfortunately for the second year running the festival has had to be cancelled. If you are missing the festival experience this weekend then you can console yourself by visiting the V&A museum's 3D Glastonbury map.

Mapping Glastonbury is an interactive 3D map made by the Victoria and Albert Museum for its Glastonbury Weekender exhibition. The map uses the real topography of Worthy Farm to create an immersive 3D experience, which allows you to explore how the festival has grown over the decades and get a small taste of the Glastonbury experience. 

Mapping Glastonbury includes a timeline which allows you to view 3D maps of the festival site for each decade from the 1970s to the 2010s. This allows you to visualize how the festival has grown from a relatively small event attended by 1,500 people to the huge festival site of the present, which is normally attended by around 175,000 people.

If you double-click on the 3D map you can zoom in and explore the different areas of the festival site, including the Pyramid Stage, the Green fields and the Unfairground. You can also click on the floating nodes on the map to access photographs, soundscapes and videos of the festival from the V&A's own Glastonbury Festival Archive.

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