четверг, апреля 21, 2022

64 Days Since a Global Warming Record

The United States has gone 64 days without a daily temperature record being broken somewhere in the country. On Feb 15th Borger, Texas recorded a temperature of 78 degrees Fahrenheit. It was the hottest Feb 15th in Borger on record. That day was also the last time a record daily temperature was recorded in the United States (at least until the next time a daily temperature record is broken).

The Pudding's Safety First! interactive map is designed to resemble one of those ubiquitous safety record signs that can be seen in factories, building sites and in other work places. These safety record signs usually draw attention to the 'number of days without injury or accident'. The Pudding's interactive Safety First! map copies the format in order to highlight the frequency with which climate records are now being broken.

Thanks to global heating the United States is seeing a record daily temperature record being broken at least every few months somewhere in the country. The Pudding's map uses temperature data collected from the Applied Climate Information System (ACIS). ACIS collects weather data from around 400 U.S. cities. The map updates daily with the latest temperature data. The numbers on the map show the number of days since a daily temperature record was broken at each location across the country. 

Scanning the map there don't appear to be many cities in America which have gone over a year without a daily temperature record having been broken. The big outlier on the map appears to be Bluefiled, WV, which has gone 753 days since a daily temperature record was broken.

The Safety First map can also show you how many days or years since the overall highest ever daily temperature record was set in each U.S. city.

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