вторник, октября 25, 2022

Mapping the Australian Census

A quarter of Australians were born overseas and almost half have a parent who was born abroad. You can view the top country of birth (excluding those born in Australia) in Australian suburbs on SBS News's interactive map How Mulitcultural is Your Suburb?

The SBS News map uses the latest 2021 census data to show the overseas country where the most people in each suburb were born. On the map each suburb is labeled with the name of the country where the most people were born. Other maps in the SBS News article also show the top languages (excluding  English) spoken at home in each suburb, and the top religion in each suburb.

According to the 2021 census India is the third largest country of birth of Australians, after Australia and England. Mandarin however continues to be the most common language spoken at home in Australia (after English). Although Punjabi has seen the largest increase of languages spoken at home since the 2016 census. 

Australian men don't do housework. The Australian 2021 census reveals that across Australia women are expected to do the washing, cooking, cleaning and laundry. The census found that in only one postcode area in the whole country (Oodnadatta) are men and women doing equal amounts of unpaid housework. Even in homes where women earn more than men it is the women who do more unpaid housework. 

ABC News has also used data from the 2021 census to explore how Australian neighborhoods compare. An interactive map in What Australia’s 2021 Census reveals about the changing face of our neighbourhoods allows you to enter your postcode to view local data on the age profile & gender ratio, on people's religions, on country of birth and on the amount of housework carried out by both men & women.

The 2021 census results show that for the first time, first and second-generation migrants to Australia make up the majority of the population (51.5%). If you enter your postcode into the interactive map you can view the neighborhoods of your city colored by the top country of birthplace outside of Australia. In the state capital cities England remains the country of origin (outside of Australia) for the majority of people.  However each of these cities have areas where migrants from other countries make up the majority of first and second-generation Australians. 

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