понедельник, октября 31, 2022

Brazil Final Election Maps 2022

Brazil yesterday returned former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to the leadership. In yesterday's Presidential election the left-wing Lula beat far-right incumbent Jair Bolsonaro in a very close run race. Lula eventually won 50.9% of the votes in a very divisive election. However, despite the at times rancourous election campaign, in his victory speech the new President promised that he will govern for all Brazilians.

Bloomberg's Brazil Election Live Results includes an interactive map showing the results of yesterday's election in each state. On this map the winning candidate in each state is indicated by the color of a scaled circle. The size of each circle represents the number of voters in the state. You can also view the number and percentage of votes cast for each candidate by hovering over a state on the map.

Brazilian newspaper Folha de S.Paulo has also published an interactive map of the results. Their Interactive Map of All Cities shows the results down to the city level. Like the Bloomberg map the Folha maps reveal a rough north-south split in support for the two main candidates. The incumbent Bolsanoro won most of his seats in the south of the country, while ex-President Lula proved the most popular candidate in most areas in the north.

The poorer northern regions of Brazil have historically voted in greater numbers for the candidates of the left. The Bloomberg map includes an option to compare this year's election results with the results of 2018 and 2014. This roughly north-south divide in support for the left and right parties is also apparent in the election maps for 2018 and 2014. 

This rough north-south divide in Brazil's political affiliations can also be seen on Globo's Brazil Election Map. This interactive map of the Presidential election again shows the results for each individual electoral area. If you click on a seat on the map you can view the number and the percentage of votes made for each candidate.

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