понедельник, октября 10, 2022

The 2022 Austrian Election Maps

Alexander Van der Bellen appears to have won a clear majority in yesterday's election in Austria, winning a second six-year term as President. Van der Bellen is a previous leader of the Green Party. In the 2016 Presidential election he ran as an 'independent candidate', however his candidancy was supported by the Green Party.

Current projections suggest that Van der Bellen will receive around 56% of the vote (an increase of around 2.2% on the 2016 election). His nearest rival, of the far-right FPO, is projected to achieve 17.9% of the vote. By achieving over 50% of the vote Van der Bellen will be directly voted President and will avoid having to enter a second round of voting. 

Austrian newspaper Österreich has published an interactive map which visualizes the 2022 Presidential election at the individual electoral ward level, at the district level and at the state level. The state level map shows the large levels of support for Van der Bellen across nearly the whole country. The incumbent won over 50% of the vote in every state except for the southern state of Kärnten.

23degrees has also released an interactive map of the 2022 Presidential Election. This map allows you to view the number of votes cast for each candidate at the individual ward level. For example the screenshot above shows the number of votes cast for the FPO's Walter Rosenkranz in each electoral district.

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