суббота, декабря 10, 2022

3D Conservation Mapping

Iconem is a company which is dedicated to digitizing endangered cultural heritage sites around the world in 3D. The company works with governments and cultural organizations to create photorealistic 3D models of important heritage sites. These models can then be used in preservation efforts and to help promote a heritage site to a wider global audience.

Iconem Exploration showcases some of the 3D models created by Iconem of important global heritage sites. All of the models in this showcase were made by Iconem in partnership with the help of local partners. This showcase allows you to explore the temples of Angkor Wat, the pyramids of Nuri and many other sites around the globe.

Each of the models were captured using drones to capture thousands of aerial images of a site. Using these images Iconem is then able to construct a pointcloud photogrammetery model of the location. Using Iconem Exploration you can use your mouse to navigate around and explore each of the showcased 3D models, and to zoom-in and out on a scene. Each model also includes a number of measuring tools which allow you to measure the height of structures in the 3D model and the distances between important artefacts within a scene.

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