четверг, декабря 29, 2022

The 50 Best Maps of 2022

Maps of the Year is my round-up of the top 50 interactive maps of 2022.

The maps listed in this round-up are the 50 interactive maps which made the biggest impression on me over the last 12 months. As such they probably reflect my personal interests as much as they do any developing trends in digital cartography.

I am struck by how many 3D maps of historical monuments or places appear on my personal Maps of the Year list. Some of these reconstructions might even be considered more 3D models than 3D maps. The preponderance of these reconstructions or maps of historically important locations reflects my own interest in digitally reconstructing lost locations and being able to virtually visit world hertitage sites.

If I was forced to choose my own personal favorite map of the year I would choose Getty's amazing 3D reconstruction of an ancient lost city, Persepolis Reimagined. For years I have dreamt of being able to virtually walk around digital reconstructions of ancient Rome,  Pompeii, medieval London, or gold-rush era San Francisco. Persepolis Reimagined proves that it is now possible to actually create fantastic digital models or maps of historically important locations and cities.

Unlike Persepolis some fantastic artefacts from ancient history still survive. The Pyramids Of Meroe and Digital Giza use 3D modeling, photogrammetry and panoramic imagery to provide incredible 3D virtual tours of globally important historical monuments that very few of us will ever get to visit in person. Both of these virtual tours came very close to pipping Perspolis Reimagined as my personal Map of the Year.

My favorite map of 2021 was Sam Learner's River Runner. It is no surprise to me that his River Runner Global Edition also features on this year's round-up of the best interactive maps.

And, if you are suffering from an extreme case of epistemological shock at all the non-maps in my list of the Best Maps of 2022, then you might want to visit Kenneth Field's selection of his Favorite Maps of 2022.

1 комментарий:

Terrace комментирует...

cant figure out what kind of browser you need for the persepolis site?