среда, ноября 08, 2023

Dutchify Your Street

Thanks to the Netherlands Board of Tourism you can now visualize how your street might look if you were able to get rid of all the cars & the ugly road, and replace them with a bike lane, a few trees & some beautiful flowers.

It is a matter of great sadness to the Dutch people that people in the rest of the world are not able to live in cycle-friendly environments. Therefore the Netherlands Board of Tourism has decided to help the great car-worshiping unwashed picture the beauty of a car free environment. Enter your address into the Dutch Cycling Lifestyle and you can see how your street might look without that noisy road and those dirty cars.

Dutch Cycling Lifestyle uses an AI to alter the Google Maps Street View image of your street to make it a little more Dutch. The result is an imagined view of your road, looking a little greener and probably a lot more attractive.

Over the years there have been many websites which have experimented with enhancing or altering Google Maps Street View. Many of these have taken a more dystopian view than the Dutch tourism agency. You can see my review of some of these in the post 5 Ways to Destroy Your House on Street View. Unfortunately all 5 of the experiments listed in that post no longer work. Luckily the three Street View experiments listed below are still in operation:

Coastline Paradox - uses Google Maps Street View imagery to visualize how rising sea levels are likely to affect locations around the world over the next three hundred years.

Floating Shiny Knot - places an animated floating shiny knot on the Street View image of your street.

Street Galleries - lets you turn the Street View images of selected locations around the world into art galleries.   

Via: Webcurios

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