пятница, августа 15, 2008

Friday Fun on Google Maps

They Might be Giants
Actually no - this is Ned Kelly.

Via: Street View Fun

I Bought the T-Shirt
t-shirt designs from Zazzle
These t-shirt designs are available from custom t-shirt company Zazzle. Hmm.. copyright issues?

Google Maps Cloning

Photoshop Disasters has discovered this Google Map satellite view, which does look like a clear example of clone stamping in Photoshop (check out the similarity of the white trees). The comments to the post on Photoshop Disasters suggest some very plausible theories as to why Google would clone this imagery, for example, covering up a nuclear attack, covering up a black hole, covering up the Super-Secret Treehouse Lair of Cooldom, the Giant Trojan Clog the Dutch are developing to invade Belgium.

America's Drunkest Cities
screen shot of america's drunkest cities
It's Friday so you might be planning a little drink tonight.Or, if you live in one of the cities featured on this map, you might be planning a bigger drink.

The America's Drunken Cities map is from the prolicic Google Mapper Virender Ajmani. Virender also had time this week to develop:

The Detroit Mayor Map - Detroit mayor Kwarme Kipatrick has been in a little trouble lately. This map follow the media's reaction to his exploits.

Beijing Olympics Map - This map shows the latest Olympics videos posted to YouTube automatically geo-tagged on a Google Map.

Russian and Georgian Conflict - This map tags YouTube videos posted on the present conflict in Georgia.

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