суббота, августа 30, 2008

Hurricane Gustav Tracking on Google Maps

This post is an update to Hurricane Fay Tracking on Google Maps. Hurricane Gustav is currently moving towards the Cayman Islands and the Gulf of Mexico.

the path of Hurricane Gustav

If you need help on viewing the path of Hurricane Gustav these Google Maps should be able to help. All the sites are tracking the hurricane and are showing its forecast path.


Mibazaar has produced a map showing the projected path of Hurricane Gustav and also the latest YouTube videos tagged 'Hurricane Gustav'.

The Google Earth Blog has a post on Tracking Hurricane Gustav in Google Earth and has produced a network link for a number of different weather tools.

Google have also just announced that they have added a "Hurricane Gustav" folder under the "Weather" folder in Google Earth.


1 комментарий:

Анонимный комментирует...

Thanks for this post. For those with family in the areas, these enhanced Google maps provide much needed details.