среда, августа 20, 2008

The VP Nominations on Google Maps

screen shot of Veepstakes
Have the Vice President selection committees of the Obama and McCain campaigns thought about using Google Maps and Google Trends to help them decide on their candidate? Mibazaar has put together a Google Map of Google Trends and possible VP candidates which might provide some help.

This map shows the top 10 cities in the United States where search for a given candidate is originating from. This list can be filtered by date and individual US State. The mashup also shows you links to news articles which may have caused a spike in the search for a particular candidate.

If Obama wants Virginia then Tim Kaine might be his man. Kaine seems to be the most searched for candidate in Virginia. However that's hardly surprising as he is the Governor of Virgina. If, however, Obama wants Colorado perhaps he should go for Chuck Hagel or Kathleen Sebelius, they seem to be the only Democrats being searched for in this state.

Apparently Obama's running mate will be 'showcased' on Saturday at the Old State Capitol in Springfield, so it won't be long until we find out.


1 комментарий:

Анонимный комментирует...

Joe Biden who is supposed to be in the top of the list does not even show up in searches in his own home state of Delaware!! Interesting..