вторник, августа 26, 2008

Google Map of All Olympic Medallists

Supernifty Medal Map
screen shot of Olympics Medal Map
This Google Map mash-up shows where in the world all the Beijing Olympics medal winners come from. As you can see from the screen shot above there seems to be a fairly even distribution of medals around the world, although the southern tip of South America looks a little bare to me.

Clicking on one of the maps tabs reveals details of the individual medallists and provides a link to the athletes page on the official website of the Beijing Olympic Games. I have no idea if the map designers plan to develop the map but it would work well if it was linked to a database so you could select countries or different sports. A marker manager or clustering system would help as well. At the moment all the tags are loaded at the same time onto the map so slower computers may struggle with this map.


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