пятница, августа 01, 2008

Olympic Imagery Update

The Google Earth Blog noticed yesterday that Google had updated the satellite imagery in Google Earth for Beijing ahead of the Olympic games. Today Google have rolled out that imagery on Google Maps.

The new Google Earth browser is an excellent way of viewing this new imagery. Have a look at this Beijing Olympics Map (dead link removed) for a look at the Olympic stadiums in glorious 3D.

Alternatively click on the 'View larger map' link below to see the imagery on Google Maps.

View Larger Map

Via: Google LatLong: Olympic imagery update


1 комментарий:

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Hey guys,
Beijing2008 is a great event. There is another big place in Beijing, called the Tiananmen Square. Just have a look here: http://www.whatsyourplace.de/places/1958/tiananmen-sqare--platz-des-himmlischen-friedens