среда, ноября 26, 2008

Australian Campsites on Google Maps

Oz Camps

I am currently sitting in front of my keyboard wearing a scarf, gloves and woolly hat. In most of Australia it is currently 28 degrees centigrade warmer than where I am sitting and Australians can actually consider going camping. They even have a Google Map mash-up showing them where they can camp for free.

The Oz Camp is a community submitted map for Australian campers who enjoy free/independent camping. This map includes the new progress bar that animates as the map markers are loading. The site asks users to only submit places that they have stayed at (and for at least a couple of nights) to ensure that the descriptions of camp-sites are based on campers' personal experiences.

Submitted camp-sites are shown on the map by colour coded markers (dogs allowed, no dogs allowed) and are also displayed in the map's sidebar.

Via: Mapperz


1 комментарий:

Анонимный комментирует...

Don't forget the CampBonk Google Maps mashup for other world camping locations! :)
